This morning there was only one ticket left for this evening’s BizOnDeck workshop. That’s because BizOnDeck is the Island’s most dynamic business development workshop series. Wish you were with us? Join LIFT, then check this link and put yourself on the LIFT VIP-only wait list. Who knows? You may get to grow your business with us this evening if someone drops out.
No surprises. Entrepreneurs want to grow their businesses. That’s it.
I’m not surprised that we’re sold out this evening. Entrepreneurs love our workshops because they’re focused on one thing: helping businesses grow. And they get lots of opportunities to do that at a BizOnDeck.
Established businesses – like Investors Group, Presley & Partners, Finneron Hyundai, and more – like our workshops because they’re getting to work with growth-oriented young entrepreneurs. They’re meeting tomorrow’s business leaders today. That’s good for growth into the future.
This evening we’ve got two young entrepreneurs pitching for help to grow their startups. Kyrle Symons of Prisym Renewable Developments and Lauren Dean of New Leaf Marketing. They need to hear from you.
Can’t make it? We have other options to help you grow
Our events are energizing, focused – and fun. But it’s not possible for everyone to make every workshop we host. That’s why we built options to “hustle the help” online (“hustle the help” is an idea I borrowed from Canadian rockstar entrepreneur Dan Martell; see the short video below). LIFT VIPs (LIFT members) have access to our “hustle the help” Slack channel. It means you can network (and grow your business) even when you can’t make an event. Another one of the business-growth benefits of being a LIFT member.
Is your business generating online reviews? We will help!
Another member important way to grow your business is by getting online reviews and testimonials. Our BizOnDeck workshop on November 6 will feature Liz Wootton’s Human Nature Development on deck. We’ll also spend part of the workshop making a different kind of shift happen for LIFT VIPs: we’ll spend part of our time generating online testimonials and reviews for member businesses. For an example of what your business will get from the workshop, see LIFT reviews on Google maps and our Facebook page. Powerful online marketing stuff!
Thanks to LIFT VIPs Leif Jason of Mastermynde Strategy and Pieter Vorster of Pod Creative for suggesting we spend some time on this.
BizOnDeck is just the tip of the LIFT mountain of benefits
My job at LIFT is connecting your business with opportunities to grow. If you’re wanting to know more about the business benefits of being a LIFT VIP, give me a call at 250-792-1408, join us for a LIFT Power Lunch (every week in either the Nanaimo, P/QB, Campbell River, or the Comox Valley) – or visit our “Join us!” website. With over $4K in perks and business development benefits, we’ve got lots of cool stuff happening. I’ll be heading to San Francisco to see how we can connect our members with cool stuff happening there. Watch for it!
ps. If you like to have fun … there are only 4 “earliest bird” tickets left for Festive Cheer on November 24 (this is our entrepreneur “holiday party” and fundraiser for EDAS: Everybody Deserves A Smile). I strongly encourage you to get your ticket before they’re gone at
pps. Here’s the Dan Martell video clip I mentioned. Enjoy!