Amie Webster is a music educator, an entrepreneur, a mother of three young sons, and a social media rockstar. Amie is, in fact, the winner of the #HustleTheHelp Award in 2018, an award that acknowledges the outstanding work she’s done to support other entrepreneurs in LIFT’s Vancouver Island community.
In this podcast we ask Amie about why she is so passionate about supporting other local businesses, and for some tips that others might use to win the award in the coming year.
We also talk to Amie about Motif Music Studios, the business she shares with her husband, Jeff Webster. In the final section we talk about her current reading, favourite places to visit on the Island, and where she likes to eat.
FMI about Amie and Motif Music Studios see:
- The Vancouver Island Talent Economy Network:
- Website:
- Facebook:
- Twitter:
- Instagram:
~ hpm, Founder, LIFT & The Vancouver Island Talent Economy Network
Ps. Ready to get your business LIFTed? Apply now for up to 60 days of free award-winning promotion on the LIFT & The Vancouver Island Talent Economy Network